Live to Give!
Current charities that the CFCP family is involved with.

Alzheimer's Association
Cannataro Family Capital Partners (CFCP) is proud to announce that our new charitable partner is one close to our heart and a rising concern for our family of clients: the Alzheimer’s Association.
Alzheimer’s has touched Lou’s family, as his brother Gene was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s and many of you have family members on the same battlefield. Today, in the United States, more than 6 million people have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and that number is growing. This is why we are putting on our gloves (ok, sneakers) and joining the fight to end this disease!
Cannataro Family Capital Partners has pledged $100,000 to this partnership with a goal of raising $1m by year-end. We cannot do this alone and hope to leverage your support and dedication to get there.
“Team CFCP for Gene” is proud to be a flagship sponsor for the 2022 New York City Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's® and has also secured 10 spots in the 2022 New York City Marathon. We invite you and your family and friends to join us in the best walking and running events in the world!
You can help Team CFCP for Gene by joining our team today. Register for our team to raise funds as a member of Team CFCP for Gene and ask your network to sponsor you. Registered team members are welcome to walk with us this October in person or in your own neighborhood (walking not required to raise funds!)
This partnership reflects the way Cannataro Family Capital Partners has approached assisting you and your family for the last three decades—protecting, growing and bridging generational wealth™. We have always partnered with you like family, through the good and the bad, taking on obstacles and opportunities together.

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
Founded in 1999, the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) is dedicated to fighting the world’s toughest cancer. In our urgent mission to save lives, we attack pancreatic cancer on all fronts: research, clinical initiatives, patient services and advocacy. Our effort is amplified by a nationwide network of grassroots support. We are determined to improve patient outcomes today and to double survival by 2020.

American Diabetes Association
The American Diabetes Association leads the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fights for those affected by diabetes. It funds research to prevent, cure, and manage diabetes; delivers services to hundreds of communities; provides objective and credible information; and gives voice to those denied their rights because of diabetes.

Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s (AFA) mission is to provide optimal care and services to individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and related illnesses and to their families and caregivers.
AFA was founded in 2002 by Bert E. Brodsky, whose mother lived with Alzheimer’s disease from 1980-1992. At that time, there was little information available and nowhere to turn for support. Mr. Brodsky’s goal was to make sure that no other family living with Alzheimer’s disease would have to go the journey alone.
Fifteen years later, AFA has grown to a network of more than 2,600 member organizations nationwide that provide direct care and services. To date, AFA has trained more than 13,000 healthcare professionals in dementia-specific care, provided free, confidential memory screenings to nearly 3.5 million people, and provides support, counseling and education to thousands.

The Light of Day Foundation
The Light of Day Foundation, Inc., utilizes the power of music to raise money and awareness in its continuing battle to defeat Parkinson’s disease and related illnesses such as PSP and ALS within our lifetime.
The Foundation’s mission is to fund research into possible cures, improved treatments and support for patients who suffer from those illnesses, their families and their caregivers to help improve their quality of life.

The Dan Sullivan Foundation
The Dan Sullivan Foundation was established to provide charitable contributions to those facing life’s most difficult challenges and to provide scholarships to students who reflect the qualities that define Dan’s life in and around Rockland County.

Arc of Rockland
Founded by a small group of dedicated parents in 1954 as the first non-profit organization of its kind in Rockland County, Today, Arc of Rockland provides supports and services to more than 1,200 children and adults with intellectual and other developmental disabilities.
In addition, we are a key resource for information and referral regarding supports and services throughout the county, state and country. We are one of more than 40 chapters of the State Arc organization, and we are affiliated with the national Arc. Together, we speak in a strong and united voice as advocates for the rights of people with disabilities.

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (RSDSA)
The Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (RSDSA) mission is to provide support, education, and hope to all affected by the pain and disability of CRPS/RSD while we drive research to develop better treatments and a cure.